Why is Family Planning Important?

We still remember the slogan by the Indian Government. It said, “Hum do hamare do”. Back then just 4 years after independence this was the slogan out in India. But, by the end of 90’s this slogan changed to “hum do hamara ek”. One kid is a happy family. Yes, we must say family planning has come a long way since then.

Family planning services help the people to decide how many kids to have, what should the interval between the kids. It is very important to have a well – planned family so that the couple can live a happy life. Family planning is an important component that will benefit the health of the mother making her healthy and happy life. 

An unplanned pregnancy can be hazardous for health, deplete the finances of the family, and affect the social structure of the country as well as the environment. The importance to different people involved is as follows –

Benefits to the Mother

  • Improved health
  • Proper attention
  • Giving proper time to everything
  • Giving career a boost
  • Freedom to pursue some hobbies.

Benefits to the children

  • Great health
  • Happiness
  • Getting more opportunities
  • Getting more security, love and care.

Benefits to the father

  • Less of financial burden
  • Proper planning and concentration
  • Preserving the family resources.

Some ways of preventing pregnancy and opt for family planning:

  • Barriers – There are condoms for male and females, diaphragm, cervical cap, contraceptive sponges, and spermicides. They all help in protecting from sexually transmitted diseases and HIV.
  • Hormonal methods – A woman can regulate or stop ovulation to prevent pregnancy. They also thicken the cervical mucus. This can be done by using pills, injections, skin patches, vaginal rings, intrauterine devices, implantable rods etc. This will help in regularizing the cycles, reduce the blood loss & dysmenorrhea.
  • Intrauterine devices – This is a small T shaped device which is inserted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy.
  • Permanent methods – There are some surgical methods which are done for long–term contraception when one needs no more kids. A surgical blockage of tubes is done and is not reversible. It is a good method when women don’t want a pregnancy.

There are millions of women who want to avoid pregnancy but are not able to do so due to family pressures or access to modern contraceptive methods. There are countless abortions happening because of unwanted pregnancies. There are various deaths of mother and children occurring due to the complications of pregnancy. By using family planning these things are reduced and a road to great health can be paved through. We at Sneh Foundation help pregnant mothers. Also, we make the slum dwellers understand the importance of family planning. In case, you want to volunteer with us just connect with us.

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